Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Honest Scrap

Thank you so much to my blogging friend Ria, who has so graciously awarded me with the Honest Scrap.  
Accepting this award, requires that I do the following: 1) Say thanks and give a link to the presenter of the award. 2) Share "ten honest things" about myself. 3) Present this award to 7 others whose blogs I find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged me. 4) Tell those 7 people that they've been awarded HONEST SCRAP and inform them of these guidelines in receiving it.
Ten honest things about myself:
  1. I am over-the-moon crazy about my son Nate, who has Ds, and I WOULD NOT change who he is for anything in the world.
  2. I am unashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  
  3. I like to redecorate my house, and will do so into the wee hours of the morning.
  4. I love to read, and can spend hours and hours engrossed in a novel.
  5. I am sensitive and get my feelings hurt easily.
  6. I don't wash my hair everyday.  
  7. I eat the wrong things late at night (esp if I stay up redecorating....or reading)
  8.  I would rather go to a thrift store than the mall.
  9. I used to work at Disney World when I lived in Orlando and no, I don't miss it, and no, I don't want to move back and no I haven't lost my mind.
  10. I drink entirely too much coffee.
Alright then....I hereby bestow this award to....
James:  www.ipumpin.blogspot.com
Pastor Jerry: www.upnorthwisdom.blogspot.com
Tony: www.tonypiantine.blogspot.com
Becky: get a blog, girlfriend... :) (this could be your reason why!)
Vanessa: www.sacrificeofpraise08.blogspot.com
Jennifer: www.thebankscottage.blogspot.com
Monica: www.monicacrumley.blogspot.com (she gave me my very first blog award! See Monica's link next to my lemonade award!)
Wow it's too hard to pick only 7.....!
(can I send one back to you, Ria?)


  1. Thanks, Jill, for sending me the award! You're so sweet! Actually, I was the one who sent it to Ria, so you can read my responses if you'd like. I can relate to your #1, #2, #8 and #10 :-) Need my coffee!

  2. Thanks Jill :) I'll keep thinking about it.

  3. I completely relate to your #1. Don't send it back to me. There are so many others that deserve this award. :-) Have a great day!

  4. Thanks for the award! It's always fun to read other peoples' revelations about themselves. I'm right there with you on #9, even though I never worked at Disney. Kinda ruined it, huh?
